Hi all! This is a routine update on my trading position. I have not made any big trades, so there is not much in today's update. Here is the update:

I have not changed any positions since the last post, since both of my positions were making a lot of money. For the QQQ position, I have not made any alterations because it has been profiting by about $20,000. In my AMD position, the Sep 22. 108 calls expired worthless, so I kept my premium. After that, the position started to profit in value, and it is profiting at around $3,000. Tomorrow, my whole QQQ position will close out, and I am excited to close that out for a HUGE profit! After that, I might make another straddle or other spread on another stock, and I will continue to manage my AMD position. Here is a picture of my position right now:

That is it for today, and thank you for reading! See you all in the next post!

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