Hi readers! This is another update on my position. I currently have on 2 positions, one for QQQ and one for AMD. I made some adjustments to my positions today, so here they are:

For QQQ, today I shorted 16 of the Sep. 29 365 puts. Today, as I looked at my position, I was very much profiting. My position makes money the more QQQ goes down, and today QQQ went down by a bit. Near the middle of the day, it had went down to 367. My position was up around 3000 dollars, and when QQQ went down to 367, my position was up around 5600 dollars. But, as the trading hours came to a close, QQQ went back up and my position was up around 3000 dollars as usual. If I was investing real money, I would have closed my position the moment I saw that my position was up 5600 dollars, but I did not close it on the simulator because I want to learn to manage the positions until expiration, which in this case is September 29th. My deltas had heavily accumulated to the negative side, and so had my thetas. The negative thetas were important because that meant my position was decaying daily. So, I shorted the 16 Sep. 26 365 puts to bring my deltas back up to around 0 and my theta back up to around 0. This way, I am protected if QQQ makes a huge move to the upside again and my position is not decaying by much every day, so it can sit still for a while. Overall, I shorted some puts today for a credit. Here is a picture of my QQQ position when it was up 5600 dollars:

I also made a trade on my AMD position. I shorted 10 of the AMD Oct. 13 110 calls. I did this to mainly bring my delta to around 0, as before this trade it had accumulated to the positive side. For this, I could have also bought puts at around a 99 strike price, and that would have also brought my theta to around 0. Before, mainly due to the closer exp. date calls, my delta was in the positive side, and I was debating on shorting 110 calls or buying 99 puts. I shorted the 110 calls because I thought they would have a higher chance of winning compared to the 99 puts. Also, I did not mind that shorting the calls would bring my theta more to the positive side, because that just means that my position will gain more value as time goes on. 

Overall, I am really happy that I made some good trades today, and both of them were for a credit and they helped my positions overall. Here is a picture of my overall position after trading hours and after both adjustments:

That is it for today, and thank you so much for reading this update! See you in the next one!

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