Hi readers! This is an update on my options position as of today. Here is a picture of my position:

Right now, QQQ stock is at around 377. So, the 372 calls are profiting by about $1,500 overall in my position. The 382 puts are not yet profiting because the stock has not reached the breakeven point. The whole point of the 382 puts is to hedge against any big move to the downside. But, I might have to adjust the puts a little bit, maybe tighten them a bit more. Before, the whole position was up around $1,800, and now it is up $1,500. So, there has been a slight dip. Thus, I am planning to do something to the puts to tighten them to prevent further losses on the puts.

This was a small update, but it was a crucial update. Thank you for reading!

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