Hi readers! I hope all of you are doing well! This is just a routine update on my trading position. Here it is:

For the AMD position, I tightened the position by selling the previous long puts, and I bought the 118 puts times 10. This is just to hedge against a big move to the downside. For the 99 calls, I am making a lot of money on those, since those are very much in the money. I also have 10 short 96 puts, and those are profiting nicely as well, due to theta decay working in favor for us. So, I am up around $22,000 on the AMD position. The November 10 short calls expired out of the money, but that is fine as I am made a lot more money as time went on for my AMD position.

I have also made two new positions: A QQQ ATM Straddle in the expiration cycle of December 1st, and a SPY time spread. The long calls in the time spread expire on December 15, and the short calls expire on December 1st. For the QQQ straddle, the ATM price was 373, and the strike price for the time spread it was 437. On the QQQ straddle, I am up around $4,000, as QQQ jumped up to 385 since I bought the straddle. So, the calls are very much in the money and the puts are not in the money. For the SPY position, I am down a couple hundred dollars. SPY has went up, but not enough to where the calls are making more money than the puts are losing. Right now, the puts are losing more money than what the calls are making. 

For all of my positions, I look to adjust them according to the delta and theta. I will also try to incorporate tightening the positions when adjusting them. I look forward to closing out the AMD position on Friday, as that will bring in a HUGE profit! I am very excited for that and I am looking forward to that!

Here is a picture of my current position:


That is it for today's update, thank you all for reading! I will see everyone in the next update!

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