Hi readers! I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving Break!

I am back with some updates on my trading positions, and here they are:

For my QQQ position, it is profiting nicely right now, about $4500. I feel like since the position expires on December 1st, it is too late to make any major adjustments to my positions, as those adjustments would take way longer to actually have any effect . But, the good part is that it is profiting, so hopefully the position continues profiting all the way until Friday. Maybe tomorrow, I might short some options just to make some extra money on that position, and take advantage of the huge time decay since it is pretty close to the expiration date. 

For my SPY position, I am currently losing around $800. But, today I bought 10 of the SPY December 15 456 puts and sold 10 of the 454 December 15 puts. My plan was to just buy the puts, but I sold the 454 puts to cover most of the cost of the long puts. It turned out to be a good idea to short the puts, as they are currently worthless. If the stock continues to sit at where it is now, the daily decay will definitely start benefitting me and the short puts will be making a lot of profit. My biggest losers right now are the 10 short 437 calls that expire on December 1st. I cannot really do anything against that, so once those expire, I will be profiting a lot from the other options, and hopefully the adjustments I made today will serve useful. I mainly bought the puts today to hedge against a move to the downside, in which the puts will make money, and even though the profit on the long calls will decrease, it will still profit a lot overall. 

Here is a picture of my current position:

In conclusion for today, I hope that I can maintain the profit on the QQQ position all the way until Friday, and I hope the short puts or the long puts pick up on the SPY position. I will have to make another adjustment next week on the SPY position, after the short calls expire. I will also add a couple more positions, so stay tuned for those!

Thanks for reading, and see you in the next post!

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