
Showing posts from December, 2023
Hi readers! I have a very important update today. I know it is near the afternoon right now, and trading hours are still going on right now, but this update will cover the trades and adjustments I have made in the past week, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Here is the update: TUESDAY: So, on the AMD position, I was profiting well, but unfortunately, I forgot to close the position on the expiration date! Anyways, on Tuesday, I put on an AMD ATM straddle (pictures below) at a strike price of $142. Other than that, I did not do much, as the deltas and thetas for the SPY and QQQ positions were pretty close to 0. Here were the greeks for the positions: SPY: +70 Delta, -10 Gamma, +30 Theta, and +70 Vega QQQ: +50 Delta, 0 Theta, -10 Gamma, and -20 Vega WEDNESDAY: On the AMD position, the 142 calls on the straddle were profiting nicely, and the puts were losing money. I calculated the greeks for that position, and they were +290 delta, -270 theta, +60 gamma, and +220 vega. To bring my del
 Hi readers! I hope you are having a great winter break so far! This is just another routing update on my blog. I know I have not posted in a while, but this update will cover the trades I have made so far. Here is the update: For the AMD position, since the previous update, AMD has went up 10$ a share, so the profit on my AMD position has also drastically went up, particularly on the 117 calls. The puts lost all of their value, around $3,000, but I am not concerned as that was just a hedge to the downside. Also, the calls are up about $18,000, so the overall position is profiting around $14,000. My plan is to just hold this position until tomorrow, December 22, which is when this position expires. Then, I can lock in my profit. Overall, this position was a great success. For my previous SPY position, I closed it on December 15, for a HUGE profit, around $18,700! I was very happy about that! Then, on Monday of this week, I put on another spread on SPY, specifically a time spread, pictu
 Hello readers! I hope everyone is having a great week so far! This is just another routine update on my trading blog. Here is the update: For my AMD position, it has been profiting very nicely over the past couple of days. After the last update, I bought an AMD straddle At the money, which was a strike price of 121 at the time. In the beginning of this week, AMD went down in share price, so I tightened my position by closing out of the 121 calls and buying 117 calls. I am very happy that I made that decision, because over the rest of the week, AMD skyrocketed up, and now its is sitting at around 129 dollars per share. Because of that, my calls started to make money early, and although my 121 puts are losing almost all of their worth, the profits on the 117 calls are much greater than the losses on the 121 puts. So, right now, my AMD position is profiting at around $5,500 overall. Also, the straddle was purchased in the December 15th expiration cycle, and all of the adjustments were al