Hi readers! I hope you are having a great winter break so far! This is just another routing update on my blog. I know I have not posted in a while, but this update will cover the trades I have made so far. Here is the update:

For the AMD position, since the previous update, AMD has went up 10$ a share, so the profit on my AMD position has also drastically went up, particularly on the 117 calls. The puts lost all of their value, around $3,000, but I am not concerned as that was just a hedge to the downside. Also, the calls are up about $18,000, so the overall position is profiting around $14,000. My plan is to just hold this position until tomorrow, December 22, which is when this position expires. Then, I can lock in my profit. Overall, this position was a great success.

For my previous SPY position, I closed it on December 15, for a HUGE profit, around $18,700! I was very happy about that! Then, on Monday of this week, I put on another spread on SPY, specifically a time spread, picture of it is below. Then, today, I calculated the total greeks for that position. The Jan 12 $474 long calls I previously had as part of the time spread were down a lot of money, so I decided to close those options and adjust after that. Selling the calls gave me back $4,370. After calculating the greeks for the short calls I had left, which were -400 delta, 170 theta, -370 vega, and -40 gamma, I decided to buy the Jan 12 $471 calls. I did this to add negative theta and positive delta to my greeks. Also, when looking at the charts for SPY shares, SPY was at an area of support, indicating that it would go up. This was a great move in my opinion, as by the end of the day, the calls I bought were in profit of about $1,300. I will continue to see what happens to this position, and my plan is to just keep the delta and theta of the position near 0 until the stock makes a huge move. Also, the original time spread I put on was ATM.

On Monday of this week, I also put on a short ATM straddle for QQQ. Today, I calculated the greeks, and I found out that I was not really able to adjust much without closing either the short calls or puts. Since the short puts were losing me money, I closed those and recalculated the greeks for the short calls. They were: -480 delta, 170 theta, -30 gamma, and -400 vega. So, I bought 10 of the Jan 12 $406 calls to bring my deltas more to the positive and my thetas more to the negative. I was also fine with this decision as on the charts, QQQ had just pulled back a little from its uptrend and had started to go up again. QQQ had also been going on a solid uptrend for a while, and even on my previous QQQ trades, the winning ones were usually the long calls or short puts. This turned out to be a good decision, as now those 10 calls are up about $1090. So, I will continue to maintain the delta and theta near 0 through informed adjustments as I did today, using both the greeks and technical analysis.

Thank you guys for reading todays update! It was a great update, as it went over a lot of the trades I have made over the past 2-ish weeks. The pictures are down below, and I will see you guys in the next update!

Closing the previous SPY trade:

Putting on QQQ short straddle and SPY time spread:

Today before adjustments:

All adjustments made today (including closing positions and new ones):

Account post-adjustments:

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