
Showing posts from November, 2023
 Hi readers! I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving Break! I am back with some updates on my trading positions, and here they are: For my QQQ position, it is profiting nicely right now, about $4500. I feel like since the position expires on December 1st, it is too late to make any major adjustments to my positions, as those adjustments would take way longer to actually have any effect . But, the good part is that it is profiting, so hopefully the position continues profiting all the way until Friday. Maybe tomorrow, I might short some options just to make some extra money on that position, and take advantage of the huge time decay since it is pretty close to the expiration date.  For my SPY position, I am currently losing around $800. But, today I bought 10 of the SPY December 15 456 puts and sold 10 of the 454 December 15 puts. My plan was to just buy the puts, but I sold the 454 puts to cover most of the cost of the long puts. It turned out to be a good idea to short the puts,
 Hi readers! I hope all of you are doing well! This is just a routine update on my trading position. Here it is: For the AMD position, I tightened the position by selling the previous long puts, and I bought the 118 puts times 10. This is just to hedge against a big move to the downside. For the 99 calls, I am making a lot of money on those, since those are very much in the money. I also have 10 short 96 puts, and those are profiting nicely as well, due to theta decay working in favor for us. So, I am up around $22,000 on the AMD position. The November 10 short calls expired out of the money, but that is fine as I am made a lot more money as time went on for my AMD position. I have also made two new positions: A QQQ ATM Straddle in the expiration cycle of December 1st, and a SPY time spread. The long calls in the time spread expire on December 15, and the short calls expire on December 1st. For the QQQ straddle, the ATM price was 373, and the strike price for the time spread it was 437
 Hi readers! This is just a routine update on my positions. This will be a short update. I will talk about what happened to my position in the previous week, and what I hope to do tomorrow. Here is the update: For the QQQ position, it profited around $2,000, which was awesome! I could have managed the QQQ position a bit better, because the amount it was in profit decreased a lot. That is a lesson learnt, and I hope to use that lesson in future positions. For the AMD position, it is profiting really well. It is profiting $12,554 currently. This is because AMD has been consolidating at around 113 for the past couple of days. This is a great price for my position, since it is profiting well. My long 99 calls are very much in the money, so those are the biggest winners right now. My short 96 puts are also good right now, as they are gaining value everyday due to theta decay in the corresponding long 96 puts. The only thing that is losing right now is the 105 calls. One thing I want to do t