
Showing posts from September, 2023
 Hi all! This is a routine update on my trading position. I have not made any big trades, so there is not much in today's update. Here is the update: I have not changed any positions since the last post, since both of my positions were making a lot of money. For the QQQ position, I have not made any alterations because it has been profiting by about $20,000. In my AMD position, the Sep 22. 108 calls expired worthless, so I kept my premium. After that, the position started to profit in value, and it is profiting at around $3,000. Tomorrow, my whole QQQ position will close out, and I am excited to close that out for a HUGE profit! After that, I might make another straddle or other spread on another stock, and I will continue to manage my AMD position. Here is a picture of my position right now: That is it for today, and thank you for reading! See you all in the next post!
 Hi readers! This is another update on my options trading simulator. I made some adjustments to my positions, which led to a really awesome P/L for my positions. Here are the updates: For QQQ, over the past 2 days, the stock price went down by 5 dollars each day, so today my puts were deep in the money, along with my other short calls. My short 365 puts and long 369 calls were losing a lot of money, as the stock was at around 360, so I closed those 2 positions. I held onto the other 2 ones because combined, they were profiting by around $14,000. Again, I had 382 short calls and long 382 puts so they were about 20$ in the money in regards to the stock. Then, to bring my negative theta to a heavily positive theta, I shorted 30 of the 367 calls. This gave me some huge credit, so to bring up my remaining deltas to around 0, I bought 10 of the 365 calls. Again, all of these trades are in the September 29th expiration cycle. I know my position is heavily profitable to the downside, which is
 Hi readers! This is another update on my position. I currently have on 2 positions, one for QQQ and one for AMD. I made some adjustments to my positions today, so here they are: For QQQ, today I shorted 16 of the Sep. 29 365 puts. Today, as I looked at my position, I was very much profiting. My position makes money the more QQQ goes down, and today QQQ went down by a bit. Near the middle of the day, it had went down to 367. My position was up around 3000 dollars, and when QQQ went down to 367, my position was up around 5600 dollars. But, as the trading hours came to a close, QQQ went back up and my position was up around 3000 dollars as usual. If I was investing real money, I would have closed my position the moment I saw that my position was up 5600 dollars, but I did not close it on the simulator because I want to learn to manage the positions until expiration, which in this case is September 29th. My deltas had heavily accumulated to the negative side, and so had my thetas. The neg
 Hi readers! This is a routine update on my blog. I made a couple of big trades this week, and this update will talk about those big trades. First, for QQQ, on Wednesday, I bought 10 short shares to improve my theta situation. Since the theta (daily decay) was eating up my position, since I was long options, I shorted 10 of the Sep 29 382 calls to ease up my theta. Shorting the options also provided me with some credit that helped out with the premium. On that day, my put was winning, but not as much as my calls were losing. So, to lower my losses, I shorted the calls. During that day, QQQ actually went down near the end of trading hours, and my short calls picked up, so my losses were lowered significantly. But, unfortunately, QQQ went back up the next day, increasing the losses again. But, today, I exited out of the 372 calls I had and bought 8 of the Sep 29 369 calls, to equal out my delta. I did this since QQQ was at around 376 at the beginning of the day, but it made a really big
 Hi readers! This is an update on my options position as of today. Here is a picture of my position: Right now, QQQ stock is at around 377. So, the 372 calls are profiting by about $1,500 overall in my position. The 382 puts are not yet profiting because the stock has not reached the breakeven point. The whole point of the 382 puts is to hedge against any big move to the downside. But, I might have to adjust the puts a little bit, maybe tighten them a bit more. Before, the whole position was up around $1,800, and now it is up $1,500. So, there has been a slight dip. Thus, I am planning to do something to the puts to tighten them to prevent further losses on the puts. This was a small update, but it was a crucial update. Thank you for reading!
 Hi readers! This is an update on my position on my options trading simulator. This post was supposed to be posted on Saturday, but unfortunately I was unable to post it. Here is the Saturday update: Above is a picture of my account as of Saturday. On Friday, QQQ was at around 377, so my call option was going big, but my put option was losing some money. So, what I did was I closed the 372 put options at market, and bought 11 of the 382 puts in the same expiration cycle, September 29. I bought 11 because that brought my delta to near neutral. I also did this to hedge against any big move to the downside, since QQQ was huge in the upside. My plan was then just to wait and see what would happen and then adjust the position based on that. My plan is to maybe tighten the position. That is it for today, nothing really to check up on, but this is an important update on my position. Thank you for reading!